These data are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
When downloading the sumstats you agree not to identify individual participants.
You must first get our permission for using the data commercially. Please contact Qiongshi Lu to discuss.
GWAS summary statistics for spousal educational attainment (170 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for spousal income (150 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for spousal height (170 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for spousal body-mass index (170 MB)
Zheng et al. (2025). Genetic basis of partner choice. bioRxiv 2025.02.03.636375.
README for GxEducation results
GxSex GWIS summary statistics for 530 traits (70 GB)
README for GxSex results
GxTreatment GWIS summary statistics for lung function (60 MB)
README for GxTreatment results
Miao et al. (2025). PIGEON: a statistical framework for estimating gene-environment interaction for polygenic traits. Nature Human Behaviour, in press.
Miao et al. (2024). Valid inference for machine learning-assisted genome-wide association studies. Nature Genetics, 56(11), 2361-2369.
GWAX summary statistics for parental AD status (Jansen 2019 approach) (265 MB)
GWAX summary statistics for parental AD status (Marioni 2018 approach) (329 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for parental health awareness (UK Biobank) (310 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for parental health awareness (All of Us) (153 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for participation of family medical history survey (230 MB)
Wu et al. (2024). Pervasive biases in proxy genome-wide association studies based on parental history of Alzheimer's disease. Nature Genetics, 56(12), 2696-2703.
GWAS summary statistics for migration distance (268 MB)
Furuya et al. (2023). Understanding internal migration: a research note providing an assessment of migration selection with genetic data. Demography, 60(6): 1631-1648.
Miao et al. (2022). A quantile integral linear model to quantify genetic effects on phenotypic variability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(39): e2212959119.
Wu et al. (2022). GWAS on birth year infant mortality rates provides evidence of recent natural selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(12): e2117312119.
Indirect effect summary statistics for educational attainment (240 MB)
README for EA sumstats
Direct effect summary statistics for birth weight (440 MB)
Indirect effect summary statistics for birth weight (440 MB)
README for BW sumstats
Wu et al. (2021). Estimating genetic nurture with summary statistics of multi-generational genome-wide association studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(25): e2023184118.
Panyard et al. (2021). Cerebrospinal fluid metabolomics identifies 19 brain-related phenotype associations. Communications Biology, 4: 63.
ASD TWAS meta-analysis (9 MB)
Huang et al. (2021). Transcriptome-wide transmission disequilibrium analysis identifies novel risk genes for autism spectrum disorder. PLOS Genetics, 17(2): e1009309.
FC-FS (female raters, female samples) (118 MB)
FC-MS (female raters, male samples) (117 MB)
MC-AS (male raters, all samples) (145 MB)
MC-FS (male raters, female samples) (118 MB)
MC-MS (male raters, male samples) (117 MB)
Hu et al. (2019). Genome-wide association study reveals sex-specific genetic architecture of facial attractiveness. PLOS Genetics, 15(4): e1007973.
Summary Statistics
Summary statistics for spousal characteristics and partner choice index
GWAS summary statistics for the partner choice index (170 MB)GWAS summary statistics for spousal educational attainment (170 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for spousal income (150 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for spousal height (170 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for spousal body-mass index (170 MB)
Zheng et al. (2025). Genetic basis of partner choice. bioRxiv 2025.02.03.636375.
GxE summary statistics for complex traits
GxEducation GWIS summary statistics for health outcomes (80 MB)README for GxEducation results
GxSex GWIS summary statistics for 530 traits (70 GB)
README for GxSex results
GxTreatment GWIS summary statistics for lung function (60 MB)
README for GxTreatment results
Miao et al. (2025). PIGEON: a statistical framework for estimating gene-environment interaction for polygenic traits. Nature Human Behaviour, in press.
Summary statistics for bone mineral density derived from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry imaging
GWAS summary statistics for DXA-BMD across 14 skeletal sites (4.4 GB)README
Miao et al. (2024). Valid inference for machine learning-assisted genome-wide association studies. Nature Genetics, 56(11), 2361-2369.
Summary statistics for Alzheimer's disease parental history, family health history awareness, and survey participation
GWAX summary statistics for parental AD status (333 MB)GWAX summary statistics for parental AD status (Jansen 2019 approach) (265 MB)
GWAX summary statistics for parental AD status (Marioni 2018 approach) (329 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for parental health awareness (UK Biobank) (310 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for parental health awareness (All of Us) (153 MB)
GWAS summary statistics for participation of family medical history survey (230 MB)
Wu et al. (2024). Pervasive biases in proxy genome-wide association studies based on parental history of Alzheimer's disease. Nature Genetics, 56(12), 2696-2703.
Summary statistics for migration distance
GWAS summary statistics for log-transformed migration distance (263 MB)GWAS summary statistics for migration distance (268 MB)
Furuya et al. (2023). Understanding internal migration: a research note providing an assessment of migration selection with genetic data. Demography, 60(6): 1631-1648.
Summary statistics for body mass index
vQTL summary statistics for BMI (280 MB)README
Miao et al. (2022). A quantile integral linear model to quantify genetic effects on phenotypic variability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(39): e2212959119.
Summary statistics for infant mortality rates
GWAS summary statistics for birth year infant mortality rates (260 MB)README
Wu et al. (2022). GWAS on birth year infant mortality rates provides evidence of recent natural selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(12): e2117312119.
Summary statistics for educational attainment and birth weight
Direct effect summary statistics for educational attainment (240 MB)Indirect effect summary statistics for educational attainment (240 MB)
README for EA sumstats
Direct effect summary statistics for birth weight (440 MB)
Indirect effect summary statistics for birth weight (440 MB)
README for BW sumstats
Wu et al. (2021). Estimating genetic nurture with summary statistics of multi-generational genome-wide association studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(25): e2023184118.
Summary statistics for cerebrospinal fluid metabolites
GWAS summary statistics for 338 CSF metabolites (45 GB)README
Panyard et al. (2021). Cerebrospinal fluid metabolomics identifies 19 brain-related phenotype associations. Communications Biology, 4: 63.
Summary statistics for autism spectrum disorder
ASD GWAS meta-analysis (202 MB)README (GWAS)
ASD TWAS meta-analysis (9 MB)
Huang et al. (2021). Transcriptome-wide transmission disequilibrium analysis identifies novel risk genes for autism spectrum disorder. PLOS Genetics, 17(2): e1009309.
Summary statistics for facial attractiveness
FC-AS (female raters, all samples) (145 MB)FC-FS (female raters, female samples) (118 MB)
FC-MS (female raters, male samples) (117 MB)
MC-AS (male raters, all samples) (145 MB)
MC-FS (male raters, female samples) (118 MB)
MC-MS (male raters, male samples) (117 MB)
Hu et al. (2019). Genome-wide association study reveals sex-specific genetic architecture of facial attractiveness. PLOS Genetics, 15(4): e1007973.